Friday, November 4, 2016

CBI Tri Star Mock Interview Day - Dress For Success!

CBI Tri Star Mock Interview Day - Dress For Success!

CBI Tri Star students prepared for future job interviews through a Mock Interview Practice Day. Students took turns role playing as the interviewer and being the interviewee. Each student was given over thirty questions to ask each other.

CBI Tri Star Mock Interview Day - Dress For Success!

CBI Tri Star Mock Interview Day - Dress For Success!

To prepare, all students had to:
1. Research a company
2. Prepare answers to interviewer questions
3. Dress for success

CBI Tri Star Mock Interview Day - Dress For Success!

CBI Tri Star Mock Interview Day - Dress For Success!

All CBI Tri Star students were evaluated based on:
1. Initial meeting - handshake, introduction
2. Physical behaviors - good posture, eye contact, etc.
3. Answering questions - speaking in complete sentences, eliminating slang, etc.
4. Questions asked of the Interviewer - Asked questions, appropriateness
5. Closing the interview - handshake, thanking the interviewer by name

CBI Tri Star Mock Interview Day - Dress For Success!

Students in all classes did AWESOME! Tri Star teachers and staff were very impressed with these fine young men and women.

CBI Tri Star Mock Interview Day - Dress For Success!